We’ve been working hard over at Inspection Manager HQ, and we’ve got version 1.31 for Apple devices ready for release! With this release comes a number of new features and bug fixes, all of which we are very excited about.
Predictive Words & Phrases Dictionary Update
We’ve refreshed the predictive words and phrases function to be even more user-friendly and easier to use. You can now use multiple predictive phrases, the typed words will be highlighted in the suggested phrases, and combined input methods is even easier. Watch the Video (see 6:35 – 7:51, 14:03 – 14:23, and 19:00 – 19:28).
Taking Multiple Photos, and Camera Functionality Refresh
We’ve introduced a new “Camera +” Icon on the photo taking screen, that allows you to take multiple photos of the same area or item, without having to go back to the Inspection screen in between each take. Excellent for Areas in the Routine Inspections and damaged items in Ingoings or Outgoings. We’ve also refreshed a few other items, and we’ve put together a short video to explain all of the camera features for you. Watch the Video (see 14:24 – 15:46, and 16:12 – 16:34).
Ready for iOS7!
The newest release of the Apple Mobile Operating System – known as iOS, is set for release in the next few days. iOS7 is a big change for iPhone and iPad users, with new features galore. With the update though, some of the key functions have changed, which can cause issues in older versions of Inspection Manager.
PLEASE NOTE: One of the key issues is that you won’t be able complete your inspections should you update your device to iOS7 but remain on version 1.30 or older of Inspection Manager. We recommend you always update to the latest version of Inspection Manager to make sure you have complete access to all of the latest features.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks
As always, this release contains many tweaks and bug fixes. In previous versions, some users would occasionally lose some of their comments – we were able to isolate this issue and rectify it.
We’ve also tweaked the Last Inspection Data functionality to make it more user friendly, and we’ve updated the buttons on the Map view screen to make it even easier to see what is scheduled.
As always, if there’s something you can think of that will make your life easier, we’d love to hear it. The new “Camera +” icon & feature was a user request, from someone who found going back to the Inspection screen tedious when taking a series of photos at Routine Inspections, so they suggested this feature a few months ago, and it’s now been included.
If you’ve got an idea for something that will make your life easier, contact our team by emailing helpdesk@inspectionmanager.com.au and let us know what you would like to see in future releases.