Experience seamless integration with Re-Leased.
Our integration with Re-Leased makes the process of inspections easier than ever for commercial property managers. Sync all your property and scheduled inspection data from Re-Leased into Inspection Manager.
Console Cloud Sync
Fully automated live sync with Console Cloud
Inspection Manager is the only inspection software to offer real-time sync with Console Cloud. Your property and inspection data will be automatically updated on both systems when any changes are made.
Sync with Property Me
Simplify your workflow with PropertyMe Integration.
Do you best work – combine the power of our industry-leading inspection software with PropertyMe trust accounting. Instantly sync all property and scheduled inspection data from PropertyMe into Inspection Manager.
7 Inspection Manager Features That Will Make Your Life Easier
Imagine this - you take the same route to work every day and then one day you discover that there is a much shorter route. You realise how...
How Property Managers Can Adapt To COVID-19 Challenges
For many property managers, working from home on a regular basis is now the new normal. This means rethinking how things are usually done...
Inspection Manager Tips – Time-Saving Features for Routine Inspections
Routine inspections are a great way to ensure that your facilities are always in top-notch condition. It's also a good way to make sure...
Inspection Manager How to: New Report Editing System
This is a big one for us. We've been hard at work on the Inspection Manager report editing system, and we're proud to say that it's now...
What IM Users Need To Know About SPF Records
To make your life easier, Inspection Manager has created an in-built email system within our CMS. This allows you to send emails directly...
Staying Protected From COVID-19: Alternative Ways to Conduct Routine Inspections
As our lives continue to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, it's likely you'll also be finding ways to stay safe during your day-to-day...